Smudge Wands


Our Smudge Wands are seasonally available. They are foraged and bundled with care by Kelly. Light end of wand and pat in bowl to put out the flame. Allow to smoulder to cleanse and uplift your space.

Acknowledgement: During Kelly’s 8 years in Maui during her early twenties, she was taken in by a Lakota family and adopted as their Spirit Daughter. They showed her the ways of traditional sweat lodges, peyote ceremonies, smudging techniques, and their overall way of life and traditions. It is with the purest of intentions and appreciation for these special teachings that Kelly shares any products related to Smudging. The plants that make up her handmade Smudge wands are locally sourced. We urge you to reference the many Indigenous resources available online and within your communities to learn more about the sacred art of Smudging and other Indigenous traditions.


A medicine of protection often used to cleanse a home, inviting unwanted spirits to leave & shielding a person, place or object from unwanted influences.

Sweet Grass (Seasonal)

The Sweet Grass used for our Smudge Wands are grown right on the Uniquely Pure property. They are each 21-strand braids, created ceremoniously and honouring the traditional teachings.

The sacred hair of Mother Earth with a sweet aroma, used for calmness and purification of the spirit. 3 braid strands represent love, kindness & honesty. How to properly light your braid of sweet grass:

  1. Cut off the end of the braid.

  2. Light the cut end of the braid by holding it in the flame and gently rotating the braid.

  3. Blow on the lit end to create a healing smoke.

Juniper (Seasonal)

Now available for a limited time!

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Smudge Spray
Smudge Candle