Elderberry Syrup (Pickup Only)


Pick up only, or available at select popup markets. Check out our Events page.

Elderberries are known to help ease cold and flu symptoms through their antioxidant properties.

Gluten Free & Vegan | Keep refrigerated | 100 ML

Ingredients: Water, elderberries, organic cane sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cloves. Hypoallergenic (no bee products).

Directions: Shake well. Take 1 tsp daily, or 2 if feeling run down, to support immune health. Safe for ages 2+. Consult your physician prior to use if pregnant or breastfeeding.

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NOTE: Herbs can be very beneficial but also have the potential to be very powerful. Products containing herbs should be approved by your doctor, especially if you have a medical condition or are pregnant or nursing.

Sirop de Sureau

Ingrédients : Eau, sureau, sucre de canne bio, cannelle, gingembre, clous de girofle. Hypoallergénique (pas de produits apicoles).

Directions : Bien agiter. Prendre 1 cuillère à café par jour, ou 2 en cas de malaise, pour soutenir la santé immunitaire. Consommable à partir de 2 ans. Consultez votre médecin avant utilisation si vous êtes enceinte ou si vous allaitez.

Conserver au réfrigérateur.

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